Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Two Different Religions in a Single Denomination

Divergent religious views:

(God Alone)
Headship Theology

Many theologians have taught that the great goal of God is obedient subjects (1 Cor. 15:28). In this view, religion is a hierarchical system for transmitting divine authority. The higher up the pyramid, the greater your authority (i. e., your right and obligation to order the lives of others). The further down the pyramid, the greater your obligation to practice unquestioning obedience. When authority is the great value in a religious system, inevitably inferiors will be sucked into cooperation with evil directives issued by their superiors. (Think priests cooperating in the Inquisition, Christian Americans cooperating with their government in the internment of Japanese Americans or obeying the Fugitive Slave Act. Think of Adventist parents who have exiled their gay children because a minister told them it was obligatory to do so.)

In this view, in paradise every human is finally, immovably settled into placed in the pyramid (or annihilated).

(God with us)
Immanuel Theology

In this view, God's goal is virtuous partners (Rev. 3:21). Religion is a community created by God to nourish and savor goodness. Members of the community earn respect and honor by incarnating goodness. When goodness is the great value, everyone has standing to challenge any order that appears at variance with moral law. The core of goodness is love, not just "agape love" which is the principled regard for the well-being of others, but also "eros love" which includes affection and desire. God longs for communion with people. God enjoys sharing life and labor with people.

In God's ultimate dream humans are elevated. They are not on their faces before the throne. Rather God welcomes all the saints (men and women, people of every tribe and nation) to participate with him in the divine reign. (Rev. 22:5).

Adventism and classic Christianity have been dominated by excessive attention to God as The Authority and the church as a hierarchy. It is time for us to affirm GOD IS LOVE, and learn to live now in the light that comes from the shared throne.


Anonymous said...

Since both have supporting Bible verses, is either "right" alone?

John McLarty said...

To Anonymous. Yes, both are in the Bible, and healthy religion includes elements of both. However, authority should be subordinate to love. God's ultimate goal is not obedience, rather obedience is a method, a training discipline, that we embrace in our pursuit of skillfulness and sweetness in love. Love is not a servant of authority. Authority is one of the servants of love.

Christian Sermons. said...

I personally believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with a hierachical system with some authority figures controlling certain things. It is only the abuse of such systems that leads to bad things. But a God of love who exercises absolute authority is okay with me as He also has absolute love for His subjects.