Friday, December 11, 2009

Sex as a Right Wing Weapon

This week I heard a heart-breaking report about the systematic rape of women in Zimbabwe. According to a human rights organization, men wearing the T-shirts, singing the songs and spouting the slogans of Robert Mugabe’s party systematically raped women affiliated with opposing political parties. The rapists told the women they were being raped because of their connection with the wrong political party.

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One of the very dark stains on American reputation in connection with the Iraq war was the use of sexuality as an instrument of abuse in the prison at Abu Ghraib. As in Zimbabwe, the actors featured in the news coverage were lowly foot soldiers. Yet it is clear the abuse was condoned, if not instigated, by those higher up, perhaps all the way to the top.

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Just this week I received an email with the subject line: “Do you recognize this person?” Since the email was from a devout Seventh-day Adventist and was addressed to a family circle that regularly trades emails, I opened it unsuspectingly. To my shocked surprise, the email featured a collection of photos of a nude young woman purported to be President Obama’s mother.

I presume the Christians (yes, more than one was involved) who forwarded the nude photos would condemn Mugabe’s thugs for their horrific violence. I hope they would condemn the use of sexual assault as an instrument of war in the Abu Ghraib prison. If they see the evils of Mugabe and Abu Ghraib, what blinded them to the gross evil of participating in a right wing effort to use sex as a weapon against President Obama?

The American “right” claims to be for family values, moral integrity, and the sanctity of marriage and life. So what’s up with circulating pornographic images purportedly of the President’s mother? What “family value” does this represent?

When I did a cursory look on line for more info, it seems the pictures were first circulated by right wing partisans in October, 2008. So it’s taken a year of forwarding before it was finally sent to the devout Adventist who forwarded it on to me. The same cursory search strongly indicated the person in the photos is not, in fact, the President’s deceased mother.

Even if the photos were genuine portrayals of Ann Dunham, the President’s mother, circulating them puts the people who forward them in the same moral camp as Mugabe’s thugs. I say this by analogy to Jesus’ statement in Matthew that hatred is allied with murder. Obviously, as a victim, it is preferable to be hated than to be killed. And it is preferable to have inappropriate pictures circulated than to be raped. Still, the circulation of these photos, authentic or not, is using sex as a weapon which is morally akin to rape.

Ecclesiastes declares there is a time for peace and a time for war. It is appropriate to strongly oppose policies, actions and statements by the president. Give money, sign petitions, contact your legislators, talk to your neighbors. Campaign for what you believe in and against what you believe is wrong-headed or evil. But the next time you are tempted to use sex as a weapon, don't.


Rich DuBose said...

Excellent thoughts John. As I understand it we are to be liberal with our compassion and care for others, and conservative with our use of negative criticism. We should never use any form of coercion to try and force our way.

I'm afraid using sex as a weapon is far more pervasive than we can imagine. On one end of the spectrum you have the spouse who witholds sex to force his or her opinion or view, then you have the other extreme that you have spoken of. Both speak of relationships that are badly in need of healing.

The song, "We Are One In the Spirit" comes to mind. "And they'll know we are Christian by our love, by our love, yes they'll know we are Christian by our love." May this be true in our lives today.

Unknown said...

Passing around nude photos of a women in that manner automatically removes you from the list of devout SDA or Christians. I would like us to think about the use of sex as a weapon as used by the media and Hollywood.

Unknown said...

Not to pick a fight, but the left, by proxy through the media, when not directly, has used sex as a weapon blow-for-blow. For the record, I am politically conservative and theologically liberal.

A quick search will reveal a multitude of very un-Christian material debasing men and women and attacking both very public figures of all political persuasions and “unknowns” with personal beefs. Perhaps the real issue is that a trusted source would propagate such material.

So, the Golden Rule applies whether you are conservative or liberal, in either a political or theological sense. And if you still believe it is the right thing to do to propigate debasing material, well then, you've stepped off every reservation.

John McLarty said...

Tim, Your point that sex-as-weapon is employed by the left as well as the right is well taken.

Jeff Carlson said...

@Tim. The big difference is that the "right" claims higher moral ground and is therefore profoundly more culpable when they violate those boundaries. Its like how Jesus was so much harder on the Pharisees than the common person on the street.

Im not talking about ideologies such as big government vs. small government. Im talking about Christians who are politicians and Christians who are passionate about politics and who make claims of moral superiority. Saying, "the pagans are immoral too" shouldn't even come into a discussion of whether Christians are behaving like Christ in the realm of politics and email forwarding. When we defend the Christian Right by saying, "well the left is un-Christian too" we look like idiots.

The Left never claimed to be the Kingdom of God on Earth and so when they fail to be that we cannot blame them. We can blame them for a lot of other things but not for failing to be like Christ:) The Christian Right, on the other hand, has claimed moral superiority and so when they fail to act in an ethical manner even accepted by many non-Christians they do major damage to the cause of Christ. "Christian" politics did not work in Rome, Geneva or New England and they are "not working" in a whole new way here in America now.

It's good to remind our people that just because an email is sent out defending a party you agree with politically does not give you an excuse to behave in an un-Christlike manner.

Antinyx said...

"The Left never claimed to be the Kingdom of God on Earth and so when they fail to be that we cannot blame them."

Maybe we should start a new party called the Christian Left.

Our principles could be:
separation of church and state,
celebration of diversity,
personal and corprate responsibility,
social justice,
respect for the environment,
religious tolerance.