Friday, March 20, 2009

Gospel of Health

This is one post in a series on The Book of Proverbs: The Gospel of Legalism.

By legalism, I mean ordering one's life according to wise rules/principles/laws. The focus here is on human action, human responsibility.

The Gospel of Health

According to Proverbs, God wants you to be healthy, happy, wealthy, holy, and the way to this boon is through wise action.

My son, do not forget my teaching, . . .
for they will prolong your life many years
and bring you prosperity. . . .

Wisdom’s ways are pleasant ways,
all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who embrace her.
Proverbs 3:1-18

So how does this “gospel” work? How do I get the wealth, health, happiness and holiness God offers?

Take one step. Just one.

Don’t pray. Don’t dream. Don’t wish. Don’t regret. Don’t fantasize. Don’t plan. Don’t ponder. Don’t theorize. Don’t theologize.

Take one step.

In future posts, I’ll talk about finance and spirituality. Here, I’ll address health.

If you’re like most Americans, you’d like to be slimmer. And, because he is interested in your health and well-being, God would like you to be slimmer. So what to do about this? Take one step.

When I listen to friends who are experienced in weight loss, the details of their stories vary. The one common element is they took one step. Some started weighing themselves every day. Others never looked at the scales but eliminated snacks. Others just ate more fresh fruits and vegetables crowding out of their diet more calorie dense foods. Others exercised religiously. Some even had surgery (I’m not sure what to think about this).

The one element common to all of these strategies is they began with one step. One choice to align one’s life with the desire God has planted in all of us to be healthy.

It’s the same rule if you want to be stronger or more flexible, if you want to run farther or faster, have more stamina, reduce your risks of cancer or heart attack, enjoy your food more, have a better sex life, experience less pain, save your teeth. You take one step.

Sometimes, we do need more information. We may be unaware that juice is not the best way to enjoy fruit. We may need guidance on exercise, nutrition, caring for our teeth. Sometimes, gathering information is the first step. But beware, it is easy to use information-gathering as a deadly substitute for taking a step.

Even praying can be a deleterious substitute for taking the first step.

Proverbs cautions: “If someone turns a deaf to the law, even his prayers are detestable.” 28:9. Prayer is not an acceptable substitute for do.

So take a step. Any step is better than no step.

Now it's time to recall the “real gospel.” God loves you and takes great delight in your well-being. He already dealt with your moral debt at the cross, so when you fail to take the right step, his plans for you are forward-looking. He's thinking about the next step, not the last one.

What do to when you’ve blown it? What if you slept in instead of getting up for your morning walk? What if you binged–on alcohol, ice cream, cigarettes, Fettucine Alfredo, potato chips or hours in front of the TV?

Take a step. Any positive step you take is an improvement and heaven will celebrate. Instead of berating yourself or wallowing in self-flagellating guilt and shame, accept God’s forgiveness and take a step. Perhaps literally. Walk around the block. Do some sit ups. Call your AA sponsor. Drink a glass of water. Eat a raw carrot. Take a step. A single step.

That single step moves you toward health. It immediately brings you into perfect compliance with God’s will–which is moving from where you are (where ever that is) toward a better place.

The gospel of here-and-now health is no substitute for the full gospel of Jesus' redeeming work. On the other hand, for many of us, the best way to honor the "grand truth" that God so loved the world, is to take one small step in the direction of health and wholeness.

So take a step.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Another great post Pastor John. I'm so glad Sarah found your site. I've been really enjoying it and taking great lessons from it.

At times things are overwhelming and I'm glad to be reminded of how just "one step" in the right direction, as simple as it may be, can be the start to a better "you".

Keep up the great message, I'm always in a great mood after reading your posts.

Thanks again,
